Lesson 1
Launch 3D Rad, press [Ctrl]+[N] to start a new empty project.

Select Object -> Add to add a new object to the project.

Double-click the SkyBox object's icon.

Select Object -> Add again (or press [Ctrl]+[A]) and add the Terrain object as well.

Then add the G-Force object too.

Click the Terrain item in the Object List, to make it the current object.

In the Virtual Editor window, right-click the terrain, to place
the 3d cursor approximately to the center of it.

To add a car to the current cursor location,
press [Ctrl]+[A] and double-click the Car icon.

Click and drag the transformation buttons to place the car above the ground.

Link the Car object to the G-Force to apply gravity to it,
and to the Terrain to enable car-terrain collision detection.

Place the mouse in the Virtual Editor window and roll the mouse-wheel
(or press [Page Up]/[Page Dn]) to get a wider view of the scene.

Press the [SpaceBar] to start the simulation.
You can control the car by using the arrow keys.
Press [Esc] to stop the simulation.


The white car is a physics layout.

Physics layouts are the backbone of most 3D Rad projects.

They provide the draft structure of objects and systems that support collision detection and dynamics, like cars, aircraft, movable scenery props, static buildings and so on.

The visual aspect of a layout is a mere placeholder.

You can replace it with your own 3d models that you can render
by using advanced shader based techniques.